
What Is The Case Wine Life?

Updated 9/17/23 Springfield, Va--Welcome to Casewinelife.com where our small business journey began during the height of the Pandemic. As seasoned restaurateurs for over twenty years, we were unprepared for when the Governor of Virginia shut down our dining rooms to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Our family owned restaurant, Bozzelli's, was founded in the late 70's and customers always enjoyed pairing wine with our Italian subs and pizza. We never thought there would be a day when they would not have that option. How did we respond? First, we did not panic and that really helped as we brainstormed what to do. Just prior to Covid-19 we experienced some success with selling beer and wine locally through delivery apps. The lockdowns that came with the Pandemic would make delivery apps essential to reaching customers and we read a survey that found 53 percent of wine drinkers would never enter a store again to purchase wine. With the experience and knowledge, expanding our wine shipping program seemed like a smart move. Especially since wine drinkers said they would never go to a physical store again to buy their wine. If that was going to be the case we would need a digital storefront and that's how casewinelife.com was born.

The name came from watching Gary Vaynerchuck, founder of Wine Library TV, host his 1000th episode on YouTube. He was reviewing a chardonnay that he thought was perfect for summer because it was so refreshing and said verbatim, "If you are about that case wine life, then you are going to want to buy a couple of cases of this for the summer." So that's where we got the name for our business. We got the idea for the blog from Bobby Hundreds of The Hundreds, the Los Angeles streetwear brand, who has written a blog everyday for the last fifteen years. Blogs are great for customer engagement and improving your ranking in search results by helping Google learn more about you and your company. But when it came to getting the wine shippers, boxes specially designed for shipping wine, that was a different story.

Supply chains were in crisis and box manufacturers were largely closed due to the Pandemic which was right when we opened. We had to scramble to source wine shippers from up and down the east coast. Driving hours to grab a few from this guy and a few from that guy.

Since that craziness we have grown to be one of the top wine shippers in the country. In fact, we have served major conferences, one of which was attended by a former U.S. President, several weddings and not to mention numerous oenophiles across the country who enjoy delivered to their door. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us and please sign up to be on our email list so we can stay in touch.

Cheers! --Michael Bozzelli, Co-Founder