Austin Hope Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon:  A Triumph - Order Wine Online

Austin Hope Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon: A Triumph

2023 年 Jul 30 日Michael Bozzelli

Last Updated:  September 3, 2023

The success of Austin Hope Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon can be attributed to several factors that contribute to its exceptional reputation and popularity.

1. Visionary Winemaker: Austin Hope, the mastermind behind this wine, is a visionary winemaker with a deep passion for his craft.  Being born into the business helped.  Austin's early exposure to the world of winemaking and his passion for the craft led him to pursue formal education in viticulture and enology. He studied at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) in San Luis Obispo, where he honed the skills necessary for success in winemaking.  After completing his studies, Austin joined his family's winery, Treana Winery, in Paso Robles.  Yep, he's the guy behind that other mega successful cabernet sauvignon, Treana. 

2. Superb Terroir: Paso Robles, located in California's Central Coast wine region, boasts an ideal terroir for growing Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. The region's unique microclimate, characterized by warm days and cool nights, allows for optimal grape ripening, resulting in bold fruit flavors and balanced acidity in the wines.  The fleece test as we like to call it.  The land is ideal for winemaking if you need a fleece or pull over at night if your are outside walking around.   

3. Premium Vineyards: The wine is sourced from carefully selected, premium vineyards in Paso Robles. These vineyards are meticulously tended, ensuring that only superior fruit is used in production.  

4. Exceptional Grape Quality: The Cabernet Sauvignon grapes used in this wine are of exceptional quality, hand-picked at the peak of ripeness. This ensures that the wine captures the full expression of the varietal's flavors and aromas.

5. Attention to Detail: Throughout the winemaking process, every step is carefully managed with a keen eye for detail. From grape selection to fermentation, aging, and blending, the process is meticulously overseen to maintain the wine's exceptional quality.

6. A Harmonious Palate:  Austin Hope Cabernet Sauvignon offers an exquisite balance on the palate. Its robust flavors of black cherries, blackberries, and subtle oak notes are complemented by velvety tannins, creating a harmonious and refined experience.

7. Consistent Quality: One of the hallmarks of Austin Hope Cabernet Sauvignon is its consistency in quality across different vintages. Wine enthusiasts can rely on its dependable and impressive performance year after year.   There's never a bad vintage.  

8. Versatility in Pairing: The wine's versatility in food pairing adds to its appeal. It pairs beautifully with a wide range of dishes, from rich meats to savory vegetables and cheeses, making it a favorite for diverse culinary experiences.  So gas up the grill for steaks or salmon because either pairs marvelously with the wine.  

9. Critical Acclaim: Over the years, Austin Hope Cabernet Sauvignon has garnered critical acclaim and high scores from influential wine critics.  Wilfred Wong always rates it no less than 90 points and the respected periodical Wine Enthusiast has scored it all the way up to 95 points.  

10. Word of Mouth and Brand Reputation: Positive word-of-mouth recommendations and the brand's strong reputation in the wine community have further boosted the wine's success. Satisfied customers sharing their experiences have played a significant role in expanding its popularity.  Clearly, we are fans by writing this blog.  

The combination of exceptional winemaking, premium grape quality, a superb terroir, and a visionary has solidified Austin Hope Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon's position in the winner's circle of the wine industry.  Bravo, bravo!

Sine we originally penned this blog, Austin Hope has launched 1 liter bottles of their iconic Cabernet Sauvignon and we have a few of them for purchase.    


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